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Amira was one of the students coming to our group from Malaysia. She was smiling all day during her work in the lab.

Home University: 

PETRONAS University of Technology, Malaysia

 How did you find Greencats group?

Greencats are a team of incredibly vibrant and resourceful researchers that were very helpful in guiding me throughout my traineeship. Due to their guidance, I felt excited to do my research alongside them as they built my curiosity to learn more about the project. Their extensive knowledge in chemistry and catalysis was useful and sparked my interest to pursue my Final Year Project in catalysis back at my home university. 

 How did you enjoy your stay at UCT?

It was a very delightful experience at UCT due to its great working environment. I learned a lot in terms of theoretical and practical chemistry, specifically in catalysis. The research labs were well-equipped with multiple instruments and apparatus that were convenient for me to conduct my research work. I was always well taken care of by my supervisors and truly enjoyed working with them. It was one of my favourite experiences to date. 

 What did it give you?

This traineeship taught me to be more hands-on in conducting research especially in handling analytical instruments. I was able to interpret the data and relate the results to my theoretical knowledge of chemistry and catalysis. It also taught me the importance of teamwork. These abilities were value-added skills and were very useful during my time as an R&D Chemist after completing my undergraduate studies. 

 What do you remember the most?

The most memorable experience was exchanging cultural and personal experiences with the team during ongoing experiments. Greencats and I come from very different cultural backgrounds. Thus, to be able to share my own stories and learn about their culture was incredibly fun and interesting. 

 What are you doing now after your stay?

After completing my studies, I joined one of Malaysia’s leading glove manufacturers as a chemist in their R&D department. My role is to implement high-impact research projects into production in multiple of their factories. 

Updated: 1.11.2022 14:25, Author: Jaroslav Aubrecht